Monday, October 20, 2008

Weddings and Friend Raising

We went to my cousin's wedding this weekend in RI. It could NOT have been a nicer day, a nicer place, better food or better company! The couple is very happy, they radiate when they are together! The kids and John had fun as well. I got to see cousins that I have not seen in 20+ years and meet their beautiful babies (you know I love babies!). I learned about blueberries and MAY-o-NAISE---LOL. We stayed at the Providence Biltmore-where in the wee hours we ran down 15 flights of stairs with 4 frightened children as the fire alarm bellowed. It was awesome! We went to the Mystic Aquarium-which was very fun! All in all, WONDERFUL weekend. Thanks guys!

So, just a quick running update: I ran the PDR with Team in Training (half marathon in Phila) in June. It was not my day, I did 10 minute miles-wanted to do 9. I have not been fundraising, but have been serving as a mentor for the team-friend raising. It is funa nI have gotten to meet some great people, yet again. Several of my team mates and I ran in honor of my friend Ed, who is doing well-which is what really matters.

The girls and I have been meeting to do some long runs on the w/e but I have to admit-I hate to run in the humidity. I will do the philly half in about a month-which means I have to get my big old butt out of bed and put in some miles if I am going to break 10-thank goodness it is getting colder.

I will be a mentor again for TNT so if you want to donate, let me know!

Friday, June 6, 2008

sad news

So yesterday our beloved Maddy the pup died. She started having seizures at about 7am. We rushed her to VHUP where they stopped the seizures-but she had been having them for about an hour or more. She was not able to come home and she would never be the same again. We said goodbye to our sweet Maddy-the Nana of our children, our first baby, last daughter of Lancelot, our dear, dear friend at 1030 am. We are crushed.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


5 days after I finished the marathon in Long Branch, I saw my friend Ed. He has been included in all of my mailings and emails, but I have not seen or heard from him very much over the last year. He pulled me aside and said "I keep meaning to respond to your marathon mom updates but I have been really busy with a lot of stuff. I want you to know that I prayed for you every day during your training. I am so glad everything went well." I talked with him for a few minutes about the positive energy I got and Lori got from the community and how that meant more to both of us than the monetary donations (which sure meant and mean a lot!!)

Tonight Ed told me he was diagnosed with Lymphoma. He starts treatment tomorrow.

Please keep Ed in your thoughts and prayers as he takes this next step toward recovery.

This fall I am a volunteer with Team in Training. I am serving as a mentor-which means I will not be fund raising, but I will help others to fund raise and will basically be a cheerleader for a group of runners.

I will also be training and running my second 1/2 marathon (PDR in SEPT)and second full marathon (Philly in NOV).

I would be happy to forward information to donate to my teammates (mentees) in honor of Ed. Please contact me if you are interested

This next season is for you Ed.


I choose hope.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well, it is about time old marathon mom resurfaces!!!

On May 4, 2008 at 07:39 the gun went off and I started my first marathon. I trained with Team in Training for 5 months. I raised almost $6000 for cancer research. I talked my training crew into running in skirts!!! I hoped to finish in under 5 hours.

I started the same way...up early, coffee, 2 packets of cinnamon apple oatmeal and I big glass of water. The kids and John put on their skirt chaser tshirts, grabbed their signs and boarded the bus with me.

The weather the day before was cold and windy and wet. The forecast when we left Bala called for ran and below 50. I dressed for winter-my gangsta hat and all! I hoped the weather would change.

I kept the girls and Kevin in my sight all the way to the start. I ran to the porta potty one last time and I lost them in the crowd of almost 9000 runners. UGH! I hoped I would find them.

I tried to squeeze into the crowd at the 5 hour pace group, but I could not get into the gate. I spotted Rebecca, a member of TNT that is friends with our beloved Dee and Sasha. A kind man pushed me through the crowd so I could run with her. Rebecca and I ran together for the first half, but then she finished...she only ran the half marathon. She is a lovely person and was the perfect person to start with. We kept an even pace of 10:30 per mile. I hoped I could keep it up.

One more lap to go...this one solo...still no sign of the girls and Kevin.

The weather warmed up, I was able to ditch the layers (but forgot about the hat).

As I came up to the boardwalk for the final time, I looked at John's smiling face right by the clock which was still sub 5 hours-I had done it! I cannot explain the emotion. I was overwhelmed with happiness! I started to cry so hard that I could hardly breath.

After the race John and the kids ran in to great me with hugs and kisses! It was amazing!

I waited for my girls and Kevin and ran them to the finish. IT was great to see their faces as they came up the boardwalk! It was everything I hoped for.

As we walked back to the shuttle, Maggie and I held hands. She was very vocal about how her legs and feet were KILLING HER! Very funny and cute!

She asked me why I only got a medal and not a trophy. I explained that the faster runners are the ones that win the trophies because they come in first second third..."but mom, all you have to do is keep up with them!" I hope to some day Mags...

I ran by myself, but I was never alone. I kept the names of all the heroes and all the people that have supported me in the pocket on my shoe. I kept the names of my heroes pinned to my team shirt. Thank you for your support! You have helped me reach my goal of completing this marathon....I hope we can reach the goal of finding a cure for blood cancers.


Monday, April 28, 2008

6 days to go!

I have said it before-this has been life changing for me! I have always believed that people are inherently good. What I have seen in the last few months has really shown me just how generous people can be. 2 weeks ago I asked you to dig deeper, and many of you-without hesitation did! Colleen is nearly at her minimum goal, Kevin is not far behind. I find myself weeping when I see the names of my friends, and Lori's friends scrolling on their sites! You are amazing!!! I am a truly blessed person to know you!

I will send you an update after the race-I may not (won't) be the first person to cross the finish line, but I am definitely the winner.

Thank you to all who have donated their time and energy and money.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

$5000+ Thank you!!!

WOW! Less than three weeks to go to the race!

This weekend I ran my 22 miles. It was hot and humid with overcast skies that never quite opened up on us and basically a yucky day to run (after all the sub 20's in Jan I have some nerve complaining about this!!). At mile 19 there was a water stop. As we approached the stop I saw Christopher-Lori's son. Then POP there was Lori at the stop waiting for me! WOW it was great! Talk about making my day! There was my hero standing and smiling and willing to take a stinky sweaty hug! (after 19 miles I am definitely ripe!) Thanks Lori!!!!

I run with 6 other people each week. We are (well 6 of us) all wearing skirts during the race! Really because it is funny to think of running a marathon in a skirt. We keep trying to get Kevin to wear one, but for some reason he is resistant...

I knew Shera from work-she is awesome. Kat, Val and Colleen L and I have been running together for months. What a great influence they are! They are all about 13 or 14 years younger than I am (surprised I am sure but it is true!)-they are all very bright, funny women with wonderful perspective and great stories-especially the cat poop one! It is quite fun and inspiring to run with them! We all support each other and make sure that no one is left behind.

Wait that is only 4 people!

The last two that make up the group are Colleen Jones and Kevin Kirkpatrick. They are about to be married (can you imagine planing a wedding while training for a marathon?) Colleen is finishing her student teaching 5 days after the marathon. She started running last year when Kevin was deployed to one of the hot zones in Iraq- to help keep keep herself from worrying. She did this at the suggestion of her step father Bill. She ran this same marathon with team in training last year-because it was easier to run with a group and she felt it was a worthy cause. This year Colleen and Kevin decided to run together to celebrate Kevin's safe return to the US.

In February they learned that Bill was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Something had to give-it was fundraising! Now they are facing a large bill because they have not met their minimum fundraising goal and will have to make it up out of pocket. They are great people with such positive attitudes.

If you can open your hearts and wallets once more and give a dollar or even 5 dollars to Colleen Jones
It would mean the world to us as a team, to the people fighting blood cancer and it will help them reach their minimum.

If you can't donate money, please say a prayer for Bill. It worked for Lori-let's throw some positive energy to Bill!

You have all given to me-financially and spiritually. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You made this so easy for me. I have passed my minimum fundraising goal by over 100%. Together we are working for a cure!

Much love!

Friday, April 4, 2008

one month to go!!!

Wow, it is hard to believe that in one month I will make that journey to Long Branch, NJ! My legs are ready and so is my spirit! I completed 18 miles 3 weeks ago and 20+ (ok we took a wrong turn!) this past Sunday, March 30th. I got up and came to work the next day with my usual smile on my face! Aside from a little muscle soreness and some fatigue-I am doing really well. No aches and pains!

I do have to admit that the last 5 miles were really a mental accomplishment. We were all chatting away until mile 15, then the woman I run with and I were on our own and were completely silent-just taking each hill at a time. We did it in under 4 hours-which was our goal! Next week 22 miles!WOO HOO!

Two weeks ago we ran at Tyler State park in Bucks county. We conquored a hill that was only supposed to be 3/4 mile-but turned out to be a mile +. In my normal fashion, I overslept and felt the need to chug my coffee on the way to the practice (I am truly an addict.) I could feel it sloshing around for the 6 miles leading up to the hill-then really sloshing as I reached the first crest! I actually had to stop and walk for a moment-I debated which would be more embarassing-walking or puking-I did not puke! I kept my eye on the people I run with and sprinted after them and caught them by the top of the hill! It was a great feeling-especially because I am about 15 years older than all of them!

I have really gotten a great deal out of this endeavor. They say running a marathon changes you forever. I think working with Team in training changes you forever! Each week we are reminded of the wonderful things that happen with the research money we raised. Each practice we cheer to each other as we pass on the route GO TEAM! It is fun! Raising more than $4500 for the research that will hopefully find a cure is an amazing accomplishment-especially because the fundraising is what kept me from doing team in training for all the years up until now. (I'd still like to reach 5000 so if you haven't donated-even $1 will help!)

Thanks to those that have donated their time/money/spirit to my effort.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mrs. Devine

Sylvania Devine was a lovely person. She was very dignified even through her illness and death. She loved her family, her husband of nearly 49 years, and Jesus Christ.

We used to pretend we did not see each other washing dishes in our kitchen sinks, but we always knew that was a good time to call the other. She loved my children-always brought balloons and treats back from her many church functions for them. She always made time to smile and talk with them.

She lived a long and happy life and died a quiet, peaceful death yesterday, surrounded by those that she loved most.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

WOW-what a month!

Ok. So a lot has happened since my last post. Kai has since been transitioned to my sister-in-law Cara and her boyfriend Eric. He seems to be very happy romping with their dog George and Eric has started running with him-so the marathon dog dream lives on! Go buddy go!

Every marathoner talks about the time in their training when they start to drag and need a boost. I have officially hit that point! I have to admit that I have had to really pry myself out of bed some mornings today being one. Over the last week I have had influenza, I lost my dear mentor and friend Dr. William J. Sohn and have begun to say good bye to my old neighbor and friend Mrs. Sylvania Devine as she finishes out her lost battle with cancer. So now what?

I really have some new reasons to keep running.

I saw my friend Lori just before I got the flu. She and I stood in a restaurant talking about the marathon training and how great she looks with her new darker eyelashes and eyebrows. She looks great and feels stronger every day! Perhaps I can get her to run with me soon! (you know I mean it Lori!)

A big thanks to those that have donated money (every cent adds up to a cure!), time effort and spirit to my training! And of course a big whoo hoo to Laura who lets me stop and pee at her house (and even promises to supply orange slices!).

Any and all support is welcomed over the next few weeks as my miles rack up! In two weeks I will do my first 20 mile run!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Another reason to smile!

Every weekend, the team in training eastern PA team meets for a group practice. We have a quick team meeting, then head out for a run/walk. We generally do our long runs together-it is really great. Yesterday the full marathon team did our first double digit run. It was 30 degrees-we lucked out on the weather!

Before we start out, we have a brief meeting. The organizer generally gives us a quick mission moment to remind us why we are training-to help find a cure for blood cancers. I was very happy to share that Lori's PET/CT scan came back showing that she is in REMISSION!!! The entire team erupted in applause. None of them know her, but each one celebrated her victory!

It was the easiest 10 miles I have ever done!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Twenty-two miles on moral support!

So last week I ran 22 miles total. It is hard to believe that on the race day I will run that plus 4. I have been battling some achilles inflammation for about a month now, but I seem to have it on the run (should I even say that outloud???).

The Team in Training coaches and mentors-not to mention teammates (YEAH SHERA!!!)are awesome. It was 23 degrees when we started yesterday-we did a 5 mile timed trial (smack in the middle of an 8 mile run for me-10 cut short by the coach d/t the achilles). Everyone was smiling while they were running-no, I left my flag hat at home so I know they weren't laughing at me. The trial went well. I would have loved to get back down to under 9 minutes per mile, but I came in under 10 min per mile which I am happy with.

I really felt a great deal of positive energy pulling me forward-no, not just gravity- but the moral support from all of my friends and family (especially John and the kids)and those that love Lori who have all come out in force to support me, Lori and Team in Training- financially, spiritually, and morally! (Thanks everyone!)

I am still looking for someone to run with bright an early-I can't help but notice that 5 people said (based on the poll to the right) that they would be willing to run with me someday....I promise I will leave the nip tuck dog at home!

PS: Check out Lori's site (linked at the bottom of this blog) for the latest news. Please send any positive energy and well wishes you can her way.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Kai the pup/personal trainer

This photo is of Maddy-she needs to be more than an honorable mention in this post! She really rocks and is the greatest dog in the whole-wide world! It is undisputed!

Kai is a rowdy 20 month old golden that we inherited last March. He has chewed his way through several wooden fences, KONGS (the indestructible puppy toys), a sofa, sneakers, carpets, toys...the list goes on and on and on.

He would chase the children into the house as they left the school bus (because he wanted to play) but he was pretty aggressive about it-nipping, jumping, barking. One day he got a good mouthful of Emma's hair. We were really at our wits end and gave him one last chance.

I started running with him at the end of November to just wear him out. This was my third attempt to run with this guy! The first two were spent holding the leash so tight and short that I really was on my way to developing a nice bicep (but only on the right!) and trying to keep him from biting my rear end for the last 60% of each run with the left! NOT relaxing! Certainly NOT what I was looking for in a running partner.

He must have sensed that his days were numbered with us because the first day we went out for our November run-it was as if we had been running together for years! He is great! I set the pace, but he keeps it! The biting was solved with a stick in the mouth. One morning he looked exactly like the Grinch dog with a curved branch for antlers! Today he ran with what could be classified as firewood!

He waits patiently for the alarm to go off each morning. He gives me 5 minutes to get out of bed. I have tried hard to sleep in and wimp out on the days when the temperature is in the single digits. He jumps up an puts his fat head on my pillow as a gentle warning of what will come if I don't drag my butt out of bed! One morning he got sick of waiting and jumped onto me and licked my face! OK OK it's cute!

Since November, he has stopped chasing the children and has really calmed down. I don't think he has chewed anything in weeks.

I am truly committed to finishing the marathon, I wonder if the dog could run with me?