Friday, June 6, 2008

sad news

So yesterday our beloved Maddy the pup died. She started having seizures at about 7am. We rushed her to VHUP where they stopped the seizures-but she had been having them for about an hour or more. She was not able to come home and she would never be the same again. We said goodbye to our sweet Maddy-the Nana of our children, our first baby, last daughter of Lancelot, our dear, dear friend at 1030 am. We are crushed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Meg! It's Jen (Luebbe) Keller from CASHS...really! I found your blog through our class website and have enjoyed reading it. I'm impressed that you ran the marathon-you go girl! Your family looks lovely. I didn't realize you live in the area. We live in Oreland which is right near Ft. Washington. Hope you are doing well. You can check out our blog at
Take care!
P.S. So sorry about your Maddy.