Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mrs. Devine

Sylvania Devine was a lovely person. She was very dignified even through her illness and death. She loved her family, her husband of nearly 49 years, and Jesus Christ.

We used to pretend we did not see each other washing dishes in our kitchen sinks, but we always knew that was a good time to call the other. She loved my children-always brought balloons and treats back from her many church functions for them. She always made time to smile and talk with them.

She lived a long and happy life and died a quiet, peaceful death yesterday, surrounded by those that she loved most.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

WOW-what a month!

Ok. So a lot has happened since my last post. Kai has since been transitioned to my sister-in-law Cara and her boyfriend Eric. He seems to be very happy romping with their dog George and Eric has started running with him-so the marathon dog dream lives on! Go buddy go!

Every marathoner talks about the time in their training when they start to drag and need a boost. I have officially hit that point! I have to admit that I have had to really pry myself out of bed some mornings today being one. Over the last week I have had influenza, I lost my dear mentor and friend Dr. William J. Sohn and have begun to say good bye to my old neighbor and friend Mrs. Sylvania Devine as she finishes out her lost battle with cancer. So now what?

I really have some new reasons to keep running.

I saw my friend Lori just before I got the flu. She and I stood in a restaurant talking about the marathon training and how great she looks with her new darker eyelashes and eyebrows. She looks great and feels stronger every day! Perhaps I can get her to run with me soon! (you know I mean it Lori!)

A big thanks to those that have donated money (every cent adds up to a cure!), time effort and spirit to my training! And of course a big whoo hoo to Laura who lets me stop and pee at her house (and even promises to supply orange slices!).

Any and all support is welcomed over the next few weeks as my miles rack up! In two weeks I will do my first 20 mile run!